Wednesday, March 18, 2020

1st Online Assignment - March 18th

Please click here and take the following survey

1st online assignment - Survey about Class Communication and Crono virus  

As of Thursday, March 19th  7:30 am  25 responses have been received on 1st assignment. I will be posting the results during the day on Thursday.

True or False regarding Corona Virus - Myths vs. Facts 

Wow - Trump Makes Corona virus Racist

Please post any questions, comments below. - some of the comments received as of Thursday 7:30 am.

1) Please don’t assign too much work I be tired Brot 😂

2) People are overreacting to much. The corona is a virus and has killed many people. But overreacting over the slightest symptoms doesn't help anyone nor does it have any positive impact. Make sure to wash your hands and stay positive. Being dreary isn't good on your state of mind, or others. 
3) How long is this gonna take for it to go away ? Did they find a cure or is the process still under processing? 
4) Some hospitals have been rescheduling and cancelling physical exams and regularly scheduled check-ups to slow the spread of COVID-19




  1. Who will be the first to post a comment !

    The Daily Show link - Trump Makes Cronavirus Racist -

  2. Just like people have found the cure for cancer, most are trying to find the cure for this epidemic. Do you believe the government will 1. "hide" or mysteriously kill off people who find the cure to COVID-19 or 2. Release this cure for the upper class only?
